Applications for 2025 Festivals at ‘The Bend’
Thank you for your interest in our events hosted at The Bend (7227 Market Street). The Bend is a NEW outdoor venue in the Ogden area of Wilmington, consisting of a bottle shop, ice cream shop and grille (ice cream shop + grille coming soon). This venue neighbors Broomtail Pub & Arcade and Seven Mile Post. During 2025, we’ll be hosting the following there:
Sunday, February 9th, 12 - 4 PM: Valentine’s Day Market (waitlisted)
Sunday, March 16th, 12 - 4 PM: Shamrock Fest (waitlisted)
Sunday, April 27th, 12 - 4 PM: Spring Fest Under the Oaks (waitlisted)
Sunday, May 4th, 12 - 4 PM: ‘Love Ya Mother’ (Mother’s Day) Market (waitlisted)
Sunday, June 1st, 12 - 4 PM: ‘Love is Love’ (Pride) Fest
Sunday, July 27th, 12 - 4 PM: Petals + Pups Fest
Sunday, August 10th, 12 - 4 PM: North Carolina Bubble Festival
Sunday, September 21st, 12 - 4 PM: Fall Fest Under the Oaks
Sunday, October 12th, 12 - 4 PM: Funky Fright Fest
Sunday, November 2nd, 12 - 4 PM: Early Bird Holiday Market
Sunday, December 7th, 12 - 4 PM: Holiday Market Under the Oaks
Vendor fees for each event will be $65, with November + December holiday markets being $75. Each vendor will be allotted a 10x10 space outdoors and will be required to bring their own tent, tables and chairs - although tents are optional. More information will be shared upon acceptance!
Please do not apply more than once! For waitlisted events, vendors will only be contacted if a space becomes available and they are removed from the waitlist. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at Thanks so much for your interest in our events!